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Industry Research Report Of SUV

Posted on:2015-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y WangFull Text:PDF
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With the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization, China’s passenger car market has experienced rapid development. The sum of passenger car sales soared from2.2millions in2003to16.38millions in2013. However, China’s passenger car sales growth was essentially in decline since2009.It is the thing that makes the majority of investors worried.In this context,I want to find a structural investment opportunities in the passenger car market.We know that the automobile industry is a heavy asset industry and its results-driven factors are sales and profit per car. According to this idea, I have a thorough study on automobile industry sub-sectors,namely,SUV.This paper is structured as follows:the first chapter roughly introuces the logical structure of the entire article.The second chapter focuses on the overall development of China’ passenger analysis. The SUV industry competitive advantage analysis was analyzed in the third chapter. The competitive structure of the industry and the development direction of China’s SUV were analyzed in the forth chapter. The fifth chapter focuses on the SUV industry companies analyzed.After paper analysis, SUV In China’s passenger car market share in between2015to2017will reach25%to30%range.Therefore, I think this sub-sector deserves investment. After analysis of the target company, I think the Great Wall Motor is worthy of attention and investment.The main features of this paper is comparative analysis throughout the text. The paper compares the historical development of the United States and South Korea SUV industry to analyse China’s situation. Demand for our domestic SUV needs analysis also draws on sources of American SUV. In this paper,SUV market will be divided into different price range for comparative analysis.Inadequacies of this article are as below.Data used to analyse the SUV industry is not rich enough. If i can get more accurate and rich data, analysis of the SUV industry will be more scientific and accurate.
Keywords/Search Tags:Passenger car, SUV, Demand, Demand-predicton model, GreatWall Motor
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