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Studyon Emergency Management Of Securities Management Agencies

Posted on:2015-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434460649Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Building a harmonious society is the central party committee put forward the basicrequirement of socialist construction, however, along with our country socialist economyreform gradually thorough all kinds of unexpected events emerge in endlessly, putsforward new challenges to socialist economic construction. The financial system prone toaffect social economic and public safety emergencies. Therefore, strengthen the financialsystem of the emergency crisis management research is necessary. Securities businessinstitutions as an important part of the financial system, in promoting national economicdevelopment plays an important role, but because our country securities operatinginstitutions produce and the development time is short, the development is not yet mature,is often affected by all kinds of emergencies, leads to more risks in securities operatinginstitutions operating and market volatility, to operators and investors bring great losses,but also not conducive to the stable development of economy, this article choose tosecurities business institutions emergency crisis management as the research object.At present domestic to emergency crisis management research more, but in view ofthe financial system, especially the securities business institutions rarely emergencycrisis management of special research, the purpose of this paper is to combine thesecurities operation institution emergency crisis management research results, the crisisof public emergency management methods of the introduction of securities and securitiesbusiness institutions emergency crisis management, analyses the development of thesecurities business institutions emergency change law of research under the backgroundof the emergency which can take measures and the relative policy Suggestions.This article research mainly divided into five parts, specific as follows:The first part, mainly discusses the securities management agencies and emergencycrisis management concept, related research achievements were summarized, clear themain content of crisis management, and define the definition of securities businessinstitutions emergency crisis management. Define securities business institutions forsecurities authorities approved for establishment in accordance with the securities business in the securities market and listed companies with investment bank has toengage in securities business functions such as management institutions. Will eventsdefined as important or sensitive events occur unexpectedly suddenly, in short, is thenatural and man-made. The natural disasters, such as terrorist events, social conflict,scandals of the latter included a lot of rumors, etc., experts also called it a "crisis". On thebasis of theory, this article research mainly based on the theory of crisis management,safety system theory and the theory of multiple factors.The second part, mainly studies the classification and characteristics of the securitiesbusiness institutions emergencies, this article in accordance with the emergency cost thesecurities business institutions, emergencies can be divided into securities businessinstitutions failed events, the moral hazard of the securities business institutions, majorsecurities business policy mistakes; The destruction of the non-economic factors fiveevents; To the characteristics of the emergency is defined as: investor confidencecollapse; Huge market fall, investors losses; A large number of securities managementinstitutions have failed; The substantial depreciation of currency, national economicrecession; Unemployment is rising and lowering the standard of national life; Socialunrest, demonstrations, riots, and insurrection occurred frequently; The government tostep down; In eight aspects such as the regional and even global economic depression.The third part, mainly research the securities operating institutions emergencymanagement mechanism. The securities business institutions in the research process ofemergency crisis management mechanism is divided into information system, decisionsystem and the unity of the execution system for analysis, thus lays the foundation forfollow-up study.In the study, mainly study the illegal money laundering case of money laundering,illegal fund-raising cases, insider trading and information disclosure violations andprocess events in the financial fraud case, the main subject, object and emergencies,negative affect, and emphatically analyses the mechanism of action of emergencies, tothe fifth part provides case support countermeasures and Suggestions. The fifth part, the main research the securities operation institution emergencycountermeasures. In this paper, based on the above research conclusions and results, andfinally summarizes the securities operation institution management emergencycountermeasures are: an emergency crisis committee; Set up a monitoring and earlywarning mechanism; Set up a special market stability system; Emergency handling.In a word, through this article’s study personnel, funding, and three factors is theemergency information the main way to impact on securities business institutions, toscientific and effective way of dealing with emergencies will seize this three factors, tofundamentally to restore the normal order of market. And from the securities businessinstitutions facing the supply and demand, analysis of how to reduce the "flock effect",rebuild market order, in-depth study and applied to each type of response based on theeffect of the specific mechanism of action and possible, for the securities managementinstitutions scientifically choose to deal with emergency measures have provided thecertain theory basis. At the same time, the securities business institutions emergencycrisis management is the hot issues in theory research, is also a realistic problem faced byinternational society. This article obtains from the emergency situation evolution rule,trying to make some valuable exploration, but there is no in-depth study, some problemssuch as emergency situation evolution model and the parameter estimation of controlmodel, the influence function of emergency network building and so on, these are allneed further research in this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Securities management agencies, Emergency, The crisis management
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