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Total Factor Productivity Analysis And Research Of Rural Financial Institutions

Posted on:2015-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y CaoFull Text:PDF
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Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. China has begun toimplement the industrialization of agriculture development model, to promote a newsituation in traditional agriculture to modern agriculture change. Our farmer groupsaccounted for about fifty percent of the total national, so the increase of farmers’incomes can narrow the income gap between rich and poor ease. China vast ruralareas are still in a serious lack of funding situation, supply and demand imbalance infunding, it has largely restricted the healthy development of China rural economy.To study rural financial institutions’ TFP can promote China’s rural financialinstitutions, build a new better socialist countryside, and solve the "three rural" issueof great theoretical and practical significance.It is necessary to study the TFP of rural financial institutions for promoting thedevelopment of rural financial institutions, improve production efficiency of ruralfinancial institutions. This paper first introduces the definition of rural financialinstitutions, development and characteristics, and to tal factor productivity theory,geometric decomposition and measurement methods for a more detailed exposition.Next, select the data envelopment analysis, input select indicators and outputindicators analyzed in detail, and a brief introduction and description of the samplestatistics of rural financial institutions.In the empirical part, this paper from the point of view of the policy finance,commercial finance, cooperative financial to study18rural financial institutions’TFP during the period2006to2012, and then decomposition the TFP to furtherdetailed analysis of the cause factors of TFP changes. The study found: first, theTFP showed a slow upward trend in the mean; second, in the study of several typesof rural financial institutions, policy-oriented financial institutions, commercialfinancial institutions and cooperative financial institutions large financialinstitutions, TFP score relatively low; third, technological changes and advancesthat affect the lower scale efficiency reasons Agric ultural Development Bank of China TFP score, scale efficiency is the impact of the Agricultural Bank of ChinaTFP main reason for lower scores. Finally, the combination of theory and empiricalresults of several different types of rural financial institutions were put forwardpolicy recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Financial Institutions, Total Factor Productivity, MalmquistIndex
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