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Study On The Sustainability Of Coal Resources In Inner Mongolia

Posted on:2015-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S K ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431974264Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the Chinese resources status of "Rich of coal, Lack of oil,Less of gas ", coal resources has been the most important energy mineral. Andits consumption proportion in primary energy consumption has remainedbetween65%and70%. Inner Mongolia is rich in coal resources.The basereserves of coal resources was the first in Chinese minority areaswith40,166,000,000tons in2012; the maintain reserves of coal was the firstin China with373,080,000,000tons in2012; the output of coal resources hadbeen the first in China with637,000,000tons(more than Shanxi’s615,000,000tons) in2009. With the large-scale exploitation ofcoal resources, since2002, Inner Mongolia’s GDP growth rate was first inChina for8years, and became a trillion club members by the GDP reaching1,162,000,000,000yuan in2010. As a non-renewable resources, coalresources will be depleted soon with nowadays exploitation velocity, so weshould pay close attention to the study on improving the sustainability of coalresources and ensuring intergenerational equity. From2002to2009, InnerMongolia’s rapid growth of economy did not bring truly improvement ofliving standard for people, so it’s urgent to know how to enrich the peopleduring the economic growth. As a large province with rich coal resources andwho’s industrial pattern depends on the coal’s exploitation, the study of thesustainability of coal resources is necessary to realize the strategy----“equalattention to enriching people and economic growth but enriching peoplefirst”. The research of this problem has large theoretical and practical valuefor the realization of this strategy.Based on the relevant literature both Chinese and abroad, build the “IndexSystem of the Sustainability of Coal Resources” with sustainabledevelopment and system theory, use “AHP” and “Fuzzy ComprehensiveEvaluation” to evaluate the sustainability of coal resources in Inner Mongolia,put forward the strategy and specific measures to achieve the sustainability of coal resources in Inner Mongolia, I hope this research will be a goodreference both for the government departments and coal resource enterprises.This paper is divided into four chapters, the first chapter is the “Introduction”,mainly introduce the background and significance of this research andsummarize the relevant literature both Chinese and abroad; The secondchapter is the “Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of the Sustainabilityof Coal Resources”, based on the concept, connotation and system of thesustainability of coal resources, construct the “Index System of theSustainability of Coal Resource”; The third chapter is the “ComprehensiveEvaluation of the Sustainability of Coal Resources in Inner Mongolia”, detailthe process to evaluate the sustainability of coal resources in Inner Mongoliawith “AHP” and “Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation”, and analyze the changetrend and reasons of the evaluation results; The fourth chapter is the “Strategyand Specific Measures to Achieve the Sustainability of Coal Resources inInner Mongolia”, based on the strategic target and strategic system, discussthe specific measures to realize the sustainability of coal resources in InnerMongolia.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sustainability, Coal Resources, Fuzzy ComprehensiveEvaluation
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