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The Investigation And Research On Corporation Social Responsibility Practice Of Hubei Province

Posted on:2014-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431494724Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Corporations are economy cells of the society, and also an important part of thesociety. Corporations can play an important role, and also should undertake a lot ofresponsibility in the construction of this harmonious society. But now, corporations lackof consciousness that they should take the social responsibility. They unduly pursue themaximization of economic profit, such as lack of faith, violating rights and interests ofworkers, deceive consumers, produce fake and shoddy goods, damage to theenvironment, tax evasion, commercial fraud, production safety accidents, etc. Thesecause a lot of social problems, lead to the deeper gap between the rich and the poor, andlead to more sharp transformation of social contradictions. Promoting corporate socialresponsibility is a must way to build socialist harmonious society.Along with the development core of economy transfer from the coastal to theinland, the enterprises in central China become more important in promoting thedevelopment of economy. Strengthening the study of corporate social responsibility isnecessary for the enterprises in central China to break the obstacles and blend into thedevelopment wave of global economic, and help central economic success to "rise". Asan important pivot of "central rise" strategy, enterprises in Hubei province have a longhistory of development. In Hubei province, the county economy is booming, and playsan exemplary role in industry transformation and the construction of corporate socialresponsibility in central China. This paper is based on the investigation of corporatesocial responsibility of Han Chuan City, Hubei province, and analyzes cognitive andpractice state quo of corporate social responsibility from perspective of enterprises,government, consumers, non-governmental organizations, the news media and otherstakeholders. This paper also carries on the empirical research on the relationshipbetween the characteristics of enterprises and its social responsibility performance, thenconcludes the current problems of corporate social responsibility and cause of Hubeiprovince. In the end, this paper make some suggestions of promoting the construction ofcorporate social responsibility based on the multidimensional perspective ofstakeholders, in order to provide the references for government, non-governmentalorganizations, enterprises and other relevant departments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corporate social responsibility, Practice, Hubei Province, County
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