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Operational Problems Research Of "Good Fianacial Business" Of China Construction Bank

Posted on:2015-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y DuFull Text:PDF
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Depending on the improvement of technical level of the internet and information,the total e-commerce transactions and expanding market scale of China are expanding continuously,which has become an important driving force for domestic economic development and business transformation. With the maturity of e-commerce development environment and technology, large-scale e-commerce enterprises make the combination of e-commerce services with financial sectors, which has promoted the development of the internet finance,meanwhile, accelerated the financial disintermediation and brought great challenges to the same time, Commercial banks are no longer satisfied with payment and settlement business of the end of the e-commerce chain, but for innovative products and services, and other aspects of the business model based on the current market environment and e-banking,acessing to e-commerce fully and creating a comprehensive e-commerce financial services platform. Comply with the trend of finance development, Construction Bank firstly establish a proprietary business platform"Good financial business,"and then the Bank of Communications and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China established homogenization of electronic business platforms, while other commercial banks constantly improve their own online malls,they all compete with China Construction Bank. Construction Bank "good financial business " is still in its early stages of development,faced with fierce market competition both inside and outside the industry it needs to learn the advanced experience of management and product services from large commercial enterprises and the industry, detects problems in the platform operation and solves them."Good financial business" is made up of Enterprise mall, Personal mall and personal housing e-pass, covering e-commerce, financial services. It helps Construction Bank develop new market and new momentum,reduce operating costs of Construction Bank and merchants, master the core trading data and establish financial innovation platform."Good financial business" faces macro-environment, industry environment and internal environment,so Construction Bank should seize beneficial policy and technology opportunities,recognize many participants in the industry, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses.Currently,"good financial business" is in the early stages of development, although it can effectively control the effectively control, profitability, quality, and platform risk, compared with Suning,there are still some shortcomings in market position, organization, products, services, profit model and risk control,which performance in five aspects:promblems in the improvement of user experience,lacking of financial innovation and effective legal regulatory,single marketing,and adjustment of institutional mechanisms. In response to thes eproblems, Construction Bank needs to strengthe the platform content development,intensify efforts to financial innovation,apply varieties of marketing,transform business’development mode and improve financial regulation law.which promote "good financial business" to conduct a comprehensive improvement,and provide high-quality e-commerce financial services to customers.
Keywords/Search Tags:good financial business, operational issues, countermeasure
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