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Research On Sichuan Rural Area Women Human Resource Development

Posted on:2015-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431477110Subject:Labor economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
More and more studies have shown that the contribution of human resources foreconomic growth has gone beyond the contributions of other factors, and the humanresources development will impact directly on level of economic development of an area.As we all known, Sichuan province, as a large agricultural province, always have richnatural resources and reserves of human resources, yet with the transfer or loss of malehuman resources in rural areas, female have become the primary force in agriculturalproduction, at the same time, female nature disadvantage in rural areas are restricting thelocal agricultural economy. So, enhancing the competitiveness of the female labor forcehas become an urgent need, and this point is what I want to elaborate on my paper.This paper was written to introduce the importance and value of female humanresource development and how we can restructure and improve women’s competitivenessin remote rural areas. In my paper I will take the Sichuan province as an example toelaborate my theory. And the paper is divided into three parts.Part I provides a step by step introduction to female human resources insufficientdevelopment in remote rural areas. By referring to human capital theory, socializationtheory, social gender theory and adopting the methods of questionnaire investigation,document study, empirical research method, this paper bases its study on the investigationof the present situation of female human resource, the results of which reveals that thereare significant differences between male and female in related resource share anddominated right, even though they enjoyed the equal right in rural areas.Part II combines geographical, economic, political and cultural of Sichuan province, Ifound that residents who living in rural areas will get higher income if the governmentimproving the quality of human resources of women other than simple increasing thequantity of female employment. At the same time, the paper prompts the necessity ofdevelopment of female human resources in rural area, such as in Sichuan province.Part III elaborates some deep reason leading to insufficient female human resourcesdevelopment, such as poor education, poor medical facilities, inadequate healthcaremeasures, incomplete relevant laws and policies, imperfect government department. Alsothe paper prompts some suggestions at this part, the government should adopt effective measures to improve rural female human resources development. On the premise ofimplementing the basic education, the government should vigorously support vocationaleducation and continuing education or other soft skills training. Simultaneously, thegovernment also should make more effort to women’s physical and mental health, providemore support high quality medical services and create a more friendly and socialenvironment including the elimination of gender discrimination and improving the statusof women.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sichuan rural area, female human resources, economic growth
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