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The Study On Z Power Supply Company Fixed Assets Lean Management

Posted on:2015-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiuFull Text:PDF
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Power supply companies as the basis of social and economic development of theindustry, its first investment in fixed assets is to meet the needs of national economicdevelopment, followed by maximization of return on investment. Power companiesare asset-intensive business, it ’s fixed assets account for a large proportion (mainlyequipment) in the asset structure of the entire power supply enterprise, in order tocarry out normal business operations play a pivotal role in ensuring the security ofcorporate assets, the full great significance. Fixed asset management is a long andcomplex task, involving various sectors of production, finance, marketing, etc.,collaborative management needs of these sectors. Now, due to the enterprisemanagement system and the management of the fixed assets and insufficientmanagement attention, and many other reasons, the supply of fixed assetmanagement business, there are some problems. As companies lean management andintensive business ideas constantly promote the urgent need to improve the existingfixed asset management, fixed asset management to improve information technology,lean and scientific.In this paper, theoretical analysis and practical methods of combining researchand analysis to financial accounting and fixed asset management theory as the maintheoretical tool, combined with its own power supply enterprise production andoperation characteristics to explain the nature of power supply enterprise meaning offixed assets and related management issues, and Z is selected by the power company,for example, to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the status ofits fixed asset management, found some problems in the supply of fixed assetmanagement companies in the Present. In the hair from home and abroad, the supplyof fixed assets, advanced enterprise infrastructure management theory and practicalexperience, the supply of fixed asset management business model presents agenerally lean improvement program for the protection of this fixed assetimprovement program can be in the future successful implementation, the paperconcludes with the implementation of appropriate safeguards measures for reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power supply company, fixed assets, lean management, programs toimprove
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