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ZC Company Employees Incentive System Design Study Again

Posted on:2014-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422989077Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is an essential issue for an enterprise to reflect how to survive in the fierce ofthe market economy. The key of enterprise development is people, enhance enterprisecompetitiveness to reach employees potential by stimulating and encouraging theirmotivations. There is no any formation of reasonable, effective and adaptive incentivesystem of market economic development in the current ZC Company. In this regard, itis largely restricted the ZC’s human resources optimization. Thus, it is necessary tostudy the ZC’s current incentive system, redesign a new incentive system, improveemployees working enthusiasm, and strengthen ZC’s internal comprehensivemanagement of the company. Self-control of the organization and to control theexpense of the company is also very important. Sustainably increasing income of thecompany together with limited expense will benefit the effectiveness of the companyin term of economic efficiency.This article introduces about the background and meaning of the research, alsodescribe briefly about the encouraging documents found through the country. Theresearch has its clear objection. Secondly, the research presents the basic situation ofthe ZC’s Company including the staff structure in terms of age, gender, academicqualifications, special skills, positions and income. We study about the generalphenomenon and performance together with the staff structure of the company. Wecarried out a study through survey and face to face meeting. The result of the studyshows that encouragement to the staff has remarkable positive impact to the staff. Thestudy also shows that there are rooms for improvement of the current system of staffencouragement. Fair and opened discussion with the staff is needed. The discussion isalso covering the formation of the current encouragement system. Last but not least,the article suggests the ideas of the reformation of the staff encouragement system.The new ZC’s Company should maintain fair and comprehensive encouragementsystem to maintain productivity of the staff and company. At the same time, thecompany should ensure they understand the needs of their staff. After understanding the background of the ZC Company, we can improve the salary system of the companyand strengthen the management of the staff efficiency, maintain the economicresponsibility of the organization. Besides, career path is also very important to everystaff of the company. In general, to maintain fairness and communications amongdifferent levels of managements and staff is extremely important. Increase motivationsand sense of belongings of the staff will help them to combine goal of individualtogether with the company’s.
Keywords/Search Tags:Company staff, Incentive system, Design again
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