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Design And Realization Of The Service Quality Of University Evaluation System

Posted on:2016-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330503450438Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous rapid development recently of information technology, information technology will become an important means of promoting the school personnel training mode of education innovation, enhance the quality of teaching, school management and improve the level of service, which not only meets the important spirit of "national long-term education reform and development plan", but also the future direction of informatization construction in Colleges and universities and task. This paper discusses "the service quality evaluation system design and implementation", a new attempt is to promote the informatization of education management and service level, enhance the construction of service oriented colleges and universities.In this paper, through in-depth research and summary, obtains the service covers all the content service and the whole process, It is a measure of each link in the chain, the service provider’s service in the process of each kind of behavior and result to make the inspection, test, service level of the staff on the basis of. According to the quality of service standards, then through the system collects the information resources, the use of a comprehensive analysis of science, will be able to service providers for evaluation, and work performance of service providers to make a basic judgment. At the same time, also to be able to understand and grasp the teachers and students in Colleges and universities users accept administrative process, the overall evaluation and demand expectations for all process. Through the development of concrete and the energy of the indicators to measure accurately in various departments of the school service quality and specific job workers working state, and then through the intuitive, convenient Web page service realize accurate query, comprehensive statistics, system analysis and other modern management functions, management evaluation system of service quality of high school is the organic combination of management and technology subject a very practical significance of the study, its application will provide a new management mode and idea to the administrative management of colleges and universities.Technology based on today’s popular and mature, combined with the practical consideration of all factors, university evaluation of service quality management system in this paper is the use of.Net development platform, using B/S architecture design, this makes it easier for the school staff and students’ independent evaluation, information data is automatically recorded in the evaluation system of the computer, and the evaluation information automatic data transmission to the backstage maintenance, management, analysis, make the user and system management layer on each evaluation of the working conditions and state stick out a mile.
Keywords/Search Tags:.Net, Web Service, Quality Evaluation
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