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The Study On The Method Of Reverse Engineering Innovative Design Based On Features Decomposition

Posted on:2017-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330485478487Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of science and technology, the trend of economic globalization is increasingly obvious, and, as a kind of very good digestion and absorption is more outstanding, advanced design concept of reverse innovation design method of reverse engineering technology has attracted extensive attention of academia and industry, the research results are also very rich. Compared with the traditional forward engineering, reverse engineering mainly based on the original physical model to reconstruct its’ three dimensional digital model as the main research content. The original 3D digital model is the basis of the current product development design, production, innovative design and loss of repair.Reverse modeling technology is the core of the reverse engineering technology, whether the quality of reconstructed 3D digital model is ideal for the follow-up work is very important. At present, according to the different of extracted feature’s classification method in the process of reconstructing CAD model and the the final result of modeling, reverse modeling techniques can be roughly divided into two kinds:one kind is reverse modeling method based on the surface, the other is a reverse modeling method based on entity. Reverse modeling method based on surface is one of the reverse modeling method researched more early, the CAD model rebuilt by the method is composed of one or more pieces surface, conducted on reconstructing the CAD model to design or by certain kinds of simulation analysis will be restricted, at the same time, this method cannot accurately reflect some rules constraint relationship between the geometric features and features.In this paper, on the basis of the existing study, decomposing products’ features, Starting from the two-dimensional cross section features, proposing a modeling method based on two-dimensional section feature. And from the perspective of the three-dimensional, including the surface features and physical features, proposing a reverse modeling method based on features decomposition. On the basis of the products could be divided into morphological features, from the shape, location, number aspects the feature of the information contained in a more detailed definition,regard shape, location, number, respectively as different forms of innovation design direction, through combining with reverse modeling tools, innovation design fast, more efficient on the basis of original products, this paper proposes a reverse innovation design method based on the features decomposition. And refactor CAD model of parts on reverse modeling software platform verified the feasibility of this method.
Keywords/Search Tags:Functional decomposition, Features decomposition, Reverse modeling, Innovative design, Geomagic Design Direct
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