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Design And Implementation Of Video Teaching Resource Website Based Web Technology

Posted on:2016-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482976645Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of technology, we have entered the Internet age, the Internet has become an indispensable part of our lives, gradually changing our lives. At the same time, education has entered the era of information technology education, many colleges and universities use modern teaching methods to carry out teaching activities to improve the quality of teaching, the main purpose of which is the reform of educational information. Especially with the advent of Web2.0 era, with an open, interactive, sharing, exchange as the core concept of video sharing sites has been rapid development.According to the Academy of Music teaching resources website development and design of video systems, describe the background and significance of the project. from requirements analysis, system design and development to introduced the implementation process of video teaching resource site system was introduced, this system achieved system login module, teaching resources building modules, teaching resources utilization module, teaching resource management module and system management module function. It elaborated the key technologies of system implementation, and shown system operation examples.Video teaching resource site system uses architecture is browser / server three-tier architecture. Wherein the client interface technologies, including ASP.NET major systems design and implementation, the main use of the front page CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop and other web design technology, the integrated use of these types of technology to provide users with a simple, easy to use features; Yewuluojiceng mainly ASP.NET dynamic web programming technology, the development of language primarily using C # language, and the use of dynamic verification code technology, encryption technology and password information user status remains technologies in terms of security, which are on the system in terms of safety and practicality efficient protection; this system on the server side using IIS as a server, the database uses a relational database SQL Server 2005, as well as media server Flash Media Server, the application and the database connection to access face ADO.NET technology is employed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web technology, Streaming media technology, Online video resources, B/S Architecture, ASP.NET
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