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Design And Implementation Of The Corps Of Procuratorial Organs Unified Office System

Posted on:2016-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482480001Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the rapid development of our economy and the promotion of the country according to law, the use of information technology as a tool, and vigorously promote the development of national inspection work of innovation, has been recognized by the local procuratorial departments. Through the use of modern tools deployed a collaborative office system, the establishment of a set of procuratorial organs at all levels general, resource sharing of collaborative office platform, in line with the actual situation of the current procuratorial organs, to solve the problem of procuratorial organs’ information construction process in the presence of resource information repetition, information system develop repeat fragmented. Therefore, the procuratorial organs to implement a unified management system, information sharing, information sharing, sharing information with each level, not only can improve work efficiency, reduce waste of resources, but also the key to carry out the information of the procuratorial organs, to establish a scientific and technological strategy to lay a good foundation.The Corps of the procuratorial organs for further play to the function of supporting information on the procuratorial work, earnestly implement the Supreme People’s Procuratorate "unified planning, unified standard, unified design, unified implementation" requirement, strengthen coordination, avoid duplication, duplication of investment, promote the integration of the procuratorial organ internal online office system, agglomeration, scale effect to to maximize the information resources.The Corps of procuratorial organs unified office system is developed based on the Windows platform, network application.NET technology development and system of pure B/S architecture used in the Microsoft Corp, using SQL SERVER 2000 as the database, the use of language mainly includes: HTML, C#, JAVA script. A detailed analysis of the application of XPCC current procuratorial organs at various levels in online office system, summarizes the various advantages and disadvantages of each system in use process, combining the Corps procuratorial organs of the actual working process, a detailed classification of the various types of documents, specification document signing transfer procedures. I served as the subject of the main person in charge, according to the survey and analysis of the functional requirements, including the Corps of procuratorial organs unified office system personnel registration and login, information search, administrator privileges, document signing transfer, the release of information audit and office equipment daily management function, organizational project group to develop a unified design Corps prosecutors office system, design and implementation of the function of complete information release, automatic office and set three module.System to achieve the purpose and main innovative points online office system deployment through a centralized manner, reduce maintenance workload and hardware investment funds and system, enhance system stability, more efficient management; adopt embedded Word editor, can be flexibly editing various documents, document modified traces automatically retained; modified by the underlying editor, the user can according to authority pole convenient released all kinds of information, the approval process is safe and quick; integrated management of vehicles, equipment and other office supplies and equipment assets.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prosecutor’s office network, resource sharing, centralized deployment
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