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Research And Implementation Of Low-titanium Precise Color Matching System In The Paint Industry

Posted on:2014-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T HongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330479479398Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Computer color matching system is now widely used in printing, construction, paint and other industries, but accurate and fast color matching has been the difficulty of computer color matching under low titanium in paint industry. Currently, most systems simply using basic Kubelka-Munk theory for color matching, the color accuracy of the results is low, cannot meet the accuracy requirements of the field. Therefore, accurate color matching in paint industry at low-titanium research has important theoretical and practical value. In this paper, Kubelka-Munk double constant theory, consider the boundary reflection while building a database of the optical parameters of the simulation color, taking into account the optical parameters of the fitting error, take multiple samples for spline interpolation, and give the corresponding calculation method of color matching. The main work, research and innovation as follow:1, K-M theory suggests that the concentration of mixed paint with K/S values assuming a linear relationship, but in the low-titanium deteriorated to this phenomenon. Constant surface correction algorithm for linear relationship has greatly improved verified by experiment. Compare with the Sanderson Correction, come to the advantages and disadvantages of both. And has been a constant coefficient of surface modified by experimental methods. For the coating in the high-band reflectance disturbance occurs with the low-titanium, and cannot create the database. Proposed a simple method of sorting processing, and the simple sorting algorithm and the original black-mixed algorithm are compared. Experimental results show that black-mixed algorithm in accuracy slightly than simple sorting algorithm, but black-mixed algorithms rely more on the card of black mixed, prone to experimental error. Proposed a formula based pigment mixed, by the least squares method under multiple concentration gradient correction to calculate the pure sample data, has received more satisfactory results.2, For the low-titanium coating industry was built under the original inventory in such a negative and inaccurate data, Proposed through spline interpolation method to establish the pigment K/S value database, replace the original with only three points after sampling measurement points fitting method. No interpolation interval for using a low concentration of the original fitting algorithm. Finally got through single pigment detection algorithm database accuracy has significantly improved3, After pretreatment, database modifications, modify the corresponding color algorithm. Finally, the experimental results show that the algorithm is optimized so that the color difference can be reduced by about 1.0 to meet the requirements of a more precise.4, Based on the above algorithm and existing color matching system, by modifying and adding software modules to enhance the original color matching system in the case of low-titanium color matching accuracy.
Keywords/Search Tags:K-M theory, low-titanium, reflectance correction, spine interpolation
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