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Design And Implementation Of Measurement Business Management System Based On B/S Structure

Posted on:2015-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473452921Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Metering marks the level of technology in a certain sense the level of technological and economic development of a country that has a direct impact on the scientific and technological progress and economic development.This thesis belongs to the technical a nd applied thesis, m ainly discusses the metering business m anagement system based on B/S structure development methodology and the main process. First e xpounded the problems and deficiencies of the existing dom estic metering business m anagement tools, and then propose the development of B/S structure of the system to address these shortcomings. Next, using an object-oriented approach, with the UM L language tools, to develop syste m requirements analysis, the explicit system functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Then, the outline designs and detailed design of the system. Next, choose the right developm ent methodology and developm ent environment, given the syste m implementation process. Finally, the effect of the application of the system for analysis.This thesis belongs to the technical a nd applied thesis, m ainly discusses the metering business m anagement system based on B/S structure development methodology and the m ain process. Use of advanced computer network technology, security authentication technology and stat e-of-the-art software developm ent mode, comprehensive integrated internal infor mation resources, building inspection, of fice management as the core inspection syst em based on B/S structure, business management and of fice automation systems, inspection testing business, the computerization of the inspection process a nd internal transaction processing, business flow thesis less governm ent resources integration, to become a state-of-the-art information management application systems and platforms, covering the whole of the office function, business needs performance with fast response rate, good stability, safe, reliable and easy-to-use features of achieve significant improve work efficiency, reduce the cost of business adm inistration, and e nhance the adm inistrative capacity of the business, improve service levels, and to promote the modern of fice, management information and decision-m aking the scient ific goals, and lay the foundation for the specification and integration of existing business processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:B/S, Measure, Business Management, System
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