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Six Stories Of The Township

Posted on:2016-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H TongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330470454972Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Township cadres are the bridge and bond that links the government and mass peasants together. They are not only the cornerstone of the People’s Republic of China but also the concrete implementer of various works. The country’s various policies and guidelines and all kinds of deployment requirements from higher authorities are concretely implemented by the township government. It is township cadres that carry out them to thousands of households. However, nowadays, township cadres’living conditions are not quite optimistic. How are township cadres’living conditions? Are there any concrete expressions? What are the root causes for them? How should such a situation be improved? The report gets to know this group of people through visit, observation and in-depth interview, and reveals their work, life and emotion with stories about specific characters.The article is divided into six chapters, each of which is told in stories about specific characters, aiming to reveal the awkward situation township cadres are currently facing, namely mismatching of rights and liabilities, inconsistency between policies, regulations and task indicators, requirements going against the practical situation, non-equivalence between pays and gains, and ideals deviating from the reality. After the article is an explanation about the in-depth reporting work. It explains the conception, origin, interview process, problems encountered during the whole process of creating this work and inspiration, harvest and reflection gained in the entire process of collection and preparation.
Keywords/Search Tags:In depth reporting, Township cadres, six chapters, Explanation of thework
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