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Mobile Course Selection System In Universities Design And Implementation Base On Android Platform

Posted on:2016-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330467499098Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, more and more enterprisesare already in the construction of the mobile Internet application. Institutions of higherlearning as a total group, with a large young mobile Internet users should keep up with thetrend of the development of information technology. College teachers and students to workand study in cannot leave the elective system, in addition, the user is also extended toeducational administration personnel management and other administrative departments. Buttraditional course selection system based on Internet has existed on the function and use thebottleneck. The proposed mobile course selection system based on mobile terminal use,improve the efficiency in the process of course selection, improve administrative personnel’swork efficiency, saving the cost of the management of colleges and universities, breakthroughthe bottleneck of traditional.In the era of mobile Internet, mobile terminal front-end development technology is moreand more important, the most widely used of the two big mobile operating system is Androidand IOS platform. Mobile elective system open source, free Android as intelligent terminaloperation system. Through field investigation of domestic colleges and universities to getinformation about the rules of the educational administration and the usage of elective systemusers, to define the related requirements of the system. According to different users to assigndifferent roles and function, user categories including students, teachers, administrators,administrators, and the supervisor. Division is the role of students, teachers, administrativethree kinds of roles, including administrative personnel, administrators, and both belong to thecategory of administrative super administrator. The implementation of the project is dividedinto analysis and technical preparation, software design and development, software testingand analysis results. Function according to the client and the server on the two parts areclassified, and deployed on the server with the method of application server and databaseserver isolation. Using load balance function is added to the application server, set up theproxy server and load balancing strategy implementation.The choice of software development technology will revolve around Android, let’s gettogether one of these also require higher extensibility, can be extended in the future secondarydevelopment and combining with the online course selection system. Mobile elective systemusing JAVA language development underlying logic, MySQL data management.Communications between the client and server based on WiFi or mobile network operators (2g/3g/4g), communication is based on the TCP protocol implementation, users can even onmobile network anytime and anywhere, mobile terminal by their own hands, use mobile course selection system.Users of mobile terminal as a login to access the mobile client elective system, the userlogin before need to choose the way to the role of the response to log in, can see yourself aftera successful login authority within the scope of the function module. Students can realize thefunctions including online courses, return a by-election, curriculum information query, scoresquery, score review. Teacher’s role can realize functions include the curriculum, coursesubmission, modified or removed, score entry, score changes, check points. Administratorscan realize to the operation of the score audit and course online audit and management.Administrator login and administrators login belong to the same category, is responsible forthe management of other roles under the function of information, relevant notice and tosupervise and control the operation records.Project implementation after continue to study the development direction of mobileelective system, by refining the role assignment and increase the functional requirements,such as single sign-on extension for further research, the establishment of a perfect mobilecourse selection system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Android, Mobile Course Selection System, MySQL, Load Balancing
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