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Research Of Universities’ Image Communication Under Microblog Environment

Posted on:2015-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q MeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330452957534Subject:Advertising and public relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Universities and colleges image is the overall impression of their behavior of thespread and comprehensive evaluation in the public mind through some form of media.Creating a good image is an effective means to enhance their competitiveness and sustainlong-term development advantages for universities.Microblog is now one of the mostimportant information publishing platform,but universities that can make full use ofmicroblog are quite few. Exploring "how to better combine microblog and universities onimage-building propagation" has only just begun.We set "5W" theory, public relations ecological theory and tactical public relationsas the theoretical basis.Firstly we defined the main object of study and research, outlinedthe image of the university component,summarized the propagation characteristics ofmicroblog.Drawing supports form the five aspects of the subject "5W" theory, analyzingthe spread of university public relations image transmission, content, carrier, audienceand effects. Through content analysis and literature survey, we analyzed dates thatuniversities using microblog spreading image data(principal analysis, content analysis,results analysis).Combining students’population of interest and concern microblog habits,we summed up the current universities microblog image dissemination practicesproblems: no enough emphasis on microblog; positioning is not clear, poor management;operators are not in place; microblogging dispersed, disorganized; influence is notenough.Finally, we put forward strategies and recommendations under the universities’image spread body, content and channel: universities’ microblog management should bestrengthened; microblog content intensive operations, the formation of micro-blogfeatured at all levels, effective online and offline butt running track; strengthen thecommunication channels microblog publicity to raise visibility and strengthen thelinkage microblog, microblog matrix forces expand.The paper also supplemented a number of universities in the propagation ofmicro-Bo environmental image of the specific approach as examples.
Keywords/Search Tags:public relations, universities image, new media, microblog
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