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Research On The Optimization And Application Of Broadband Metropolitan Area Network For China Telecom

Posted on:2014-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467955827Subject:Electronic and communication engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recently operators in telecommunication sector in China pay much attention tothe broadband metropolitan area network construction for improving theircompetetiveness, and the application based on MAN is developing very fast. Thetelecommunication operators in Xiangyang are doing the construction andoptimization of their IP based broadband MAN networks. The optimization forXiangyang Telecom broadband MAN is significant for Xiangyang Telecom.This thesis focuses on the optimization and application realization for XiangyangTelecom IP MAN according to Xiangyang Telecom IP MAN current status. Thenetwork architecture, routing, QoS, and service deployment are discussed. This paveda solid basis for the optimization of Xiangyang Telecom IP MAN. Then theoptimization principle, target, network architecture, SVLAN, QoS, and networksecurity schemes are proposed for Xiangyang Telecom IP MAN. The servicedeployment scheme for Xiangyang Telecom IP MAN is also studied in this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:MAN, Network optimization, Network architecture, QoS
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