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Design And Implementation Of Public Security Mobile-Police Service System Based On Android

Posted on:2016-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467495931Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Public security organs is an important part of people’s government, which plays an important role in maintaining social order,cracking down on crime, protecting people’s life and property safety. The rapid development of information technology promotes the increasingly high degree of automation, which greatly improves the efficiency of social production. In this information society, the public security organs should carry out information technology to achieve followed the times, and actively respond to the new challenges of the Information Society. With the application of Information Technology, we can enhance the efficiency and quality of public security work.With the rapid development of all aspects of political, economic, and cultural community, especially the development of modern information technology, crime wiht high IQ, rigorous program before the incident, little clues left at the scene, that makes the detection difficult; modus across time cross-regional, cross Provincial common transnational crime, regional law enforcement issues seriously restricted. National has long recognized the significant role of information technology in the new century policing change, if you want to cast a strong police contingent in the new century, we must rely on a high degree of public security police information systems. To enhance the policemen quickly attack in the modern economic and social conditions, unity of command, the ability to quickly and accurately collect intelligence. On the one hand, frontline police officers in the execution of police time, a very important thing is to always communicate with the command center; on the other hand, modern crime showing momentum across industries, some of the major cases often involve the judiciary, taxation, customs, industry and commerce and other department investigation data often requires the mobilization of all sectors, and if there is a quick query, analysis, integrated information platform will greatly increase the workload of policemen.In recent years, information technology has developed rapidly, basic communication network coverage more widely, accompanied by the development of third-generation and fourth-generation communications technology, speed of information transmission speed faster and faster mobile Internet development increasingly vigorous, which provides network infrastructure for the construction of mobile police system, fast and stable communication network enables smart phones and other PDA termination node information acquisition and transmission, is a key part of the mobile Internet.Above all, this paper has developed a portable, hand-held mobile police platform, has a strong practical significance. The main work is "Design and Implementation of Public Security Mobile-Police Service System Based on Android". Earnestly study the functional requirements and study the related technologies, complete the overall design of the software. The main research work and the contents are as follows:1、Learning the Android system application development technique to study the Android system architecture. Learning the basic steps in the SDK and NDK Android development environment, configuring the development environment. Emphatically data security transmission strategy Android system composition analysis, Android system.2、This paper analyzes the functional requirements of the base system, and user habits and business processes using the software system to complete the "Design and Implementation of Public Security Mobile-Police Service System Based on Android" the overall design.3、This paper conducted a stratified analysis of project development, the completion of the topological structure of ER diagram of the system. Completed a logical model and a physical model of the software system. According to the functional requirements of sorting, complete division of the sub-modules. 4、Finally, a summary of the research work and analysis, analysis of the shortcomings of this article, and put forward the thinking process, according to the study in the follow-up work, we must pay attention to the security of the system data.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile-police service system, system design, Android
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