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Design And Implementation Of Anshan Hua Yu Car Sales Management System

Posted on:2015-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467485524Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research found that through the work of some of Anshan car sales enterprise sales model is more primitive, taking up a lot of manpower and material resources, while inefficient, resulting in these enterprises gradually from information management and sales operations maturing environment, competition with other companies in a very unfavorable position. For such situations, this paper presents a simple, practical car sales management system design, the supply of these enterprises to use, can help companies solve business problems, support enterprises out of inefficient misunderstanding.This paper discusses the Visual Studio based on the use of "simple factory pattern three-tier system" to analyze, design, development of automotive sales management system. Its development mainly includes the establishment of database and front-end application development two aspects, the former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity, data security database, but is not required to deal with a large amount of information, so this system uses a Microsoft SQL Server, and for the latter requires the application fully functional, easy to use features, in view of the system development cycle is relatively short, the system uses C#. The system uses a Browser/Server (B/S) structure, providing a sales platform, the formation of user-system-effective series databases, to achieve the car’s view, search, buy and order management functions.The system has information management, purchasing management, sales management, inventory management, query statistics, data backup, interface settings seven system functions, capable of supplier information, customer information, vehicle product information, employee information, inventory, procurement plans such as real-time entry and inquiry, basically meet the various car sales business in the sales management needs, fresh and simple user interface, easy to operate, easy management, support all Windows family of operating systems, powerful, able to work in practice greatly reducing the investment in human resources, improve efficiency, increase the accuracy of information analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Car, Sales Management System, Programming
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