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Research On Quality Management Method And Application For Offshore Software Testing

Posted on:2014-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330452963640Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of software outsourcing in China in recent years, offshoresoftware outsourcing to Europe and America has met new opportunities. On the other side,software testing in China has grown fast in the past ten years, including the improvement ofsoftware testing technology, the development of QA resources training, and the enhancementof software testing management ability. However, we still have distance with the softwaretesting industry of Europe and America. And offshore software testing in India also has muchmore experience. Therefore, we should have deeper research and exploration on qualitymanagement method and offshore software testing, to improve our competitiveness in thisfield.The research and exploration of this paper is based on the offshore project to Europe andAmerica. From a view of offshore team in China, here we present the related software testingprocess model, to discuss the quality control method and project management. The target ofthis paper is to solve the problems we met during offshore software testing. Those problemsinclude how to reduce the communication cost, how to narrow down the regional differenceimpact, how to guarantee the quality of offshore project, how to follow different client’sdevelopment model, how to get long distance development with fixed profit, how to improvetechnology during the offshore project. The quality assurance of this software testing model isfocus on controlling every input and output in different stage, from requirement phase totesting planning, from testing execution to testing evaluation stage. The project managementis focus on project integration management, human resource management, documentmanagement, communication management and problem management.The software testing model and quality assurance method of this paper is applying in theoffshore project which using Scrum development model. Follow the character of scrum, using quality assurance method to solve the problems in Scrum model. The problems includingcannot attend every meeting in Scrum, cannot contact with members face to face, how tocontrol the quality in every sprint in Scrum. In the other side, apply the project managementmethod to the offshore project of Europe and America, to do the effective integration, humanresources development, document process management, effective communication andproblems improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:software testing, offshore outsourcings, quality assurance, testoutsourcing, test management
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