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The Application And Research Of The Virtual Model Of The Trousers In Fashion Design Of3D

Posted on:2014-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330434953674Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of informatization, the development of computer technology brought change rapidly changes people’s life. Clothing design has changed from the traditional mode of the original into a virtual method of computer. Along with the computer technology, virtual clothing also emerge as the times require, a branch of the article in the3D trousers belonging to virtual clothing.This graduation design is to realize the method and technology of3D custom, and its realistic significance. The current domestic and abroad for apparel virtualization techniques used and means, in the comparison of various techniques, some scholars from the advantages and disadvantages of various methods and the realization method which makes a detailed comparison, all kinds of literature at home and abroad, also have the basic method of realizing virtual garment.In this design, the virtual trousers shape modeling using NURBS surface modeling, and then through the use of light and texture of model rendering, virtual environment standard virtual pants model, and then use the correlation algorithm on the trousers by traversal, extract the waist, hip and other key size trousers on at the same time, in the VC6.0platform to build virtual trousers customization system, and the key size of extracted analysis and filtering, ultimately to achieve to change trousers model through the user input parameters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Virtual Reality, pants in3D, virtual gannent, OpenGL, C++Modeling, rendering, lighting
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