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Research On The We Media Transmission Of Major Catastrophic Event

Posted on:2015-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Disaster is always closely linked with human survival, disaster news has alwaysbeen important to the work of traditional media. With the deepening of globalization,catastrophic event not only has the globalization trend and impact, but also is animportant area of online media, especially for the we media report. With the rapiddevelopment of we media like microblogging and wechat,“everyone has amicrophone." More and more ordinary people begin to play a positive or negative rolein the dissemination and discussion of major public emergencies. This paper focus onthe major catastrophic event, which has the most complicated transmission amongmajor public events and also a great impact on the society. Also this paper hasanalyzed deeply the emerging we media’s role in all these activities. The paper isdivided into four parts: First, sort out the existing literature data to find the problems;summarize the general rules. Second, clarify the concept and content of catastrophicevents and we media; discuss the intrinsic relationship between them. Then, based onactual cases, analyze and summarize comprehensively the transmission of we mediaand the related public discussion; explore the exiting problems and their causes.Finally, put forward recommendations for encouraging, guiding and regulating,managing the spread of disaster report on we media from the aspects of government,mainstream media, we media and platforms management.
Keywords/Search Tags:major catastrophic event, we media, transmission, public opinionguidance
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