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The Research Of College Students’ Public Rational Cultivation

Posted on:2017-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330485483711Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Development of China’s modernization gradually push people into a common era.With the public sector and public space expanding and socializing in public life growing, the public relations became even more closely, in the time,the issue of public interest becomes more prominent.In this objective, the cultivation of public reason to citizens are also increasingly urgent and important. The realization of China’s modernization is not only modern political, economic, cultural and other aspects, modernization of public reason is the more important one, its enhancement plays a vital role in development of China’s modernization. Human’ modernization requires that individuals have the appropriate quality and establish independent civil personality, the right moral values and a strong sense of public responsibility, besides, they have to actively participate in public affairs, cultivate the spirit of tolerance and negotiation and the ability of self-control and self-discipline and so on. This is the spiritual values what are desired and enhanced in the cultivation of public reason.Therefore, the cultivation of citizens’ public reason has great significance in today’s society.College students, citizens of prominent intellectuals, are the main strength to achieve the great rejuvenation of the backbone, so their citizens quality and the strength of public spirit are significant impacts on the future of the Chinese nation.Therefore, we must strengthen cultivation of college students’ public reason and enhance the moral quality, and we should strengthen the spirit of public reason and improve the ability to public participation.Students’ public reason is a rational capacity, rational spirit and moral qualities that students should have. And it is a rational spirit and ability that in the public domain of university campus, college students use public thinking to guide public behavior, understand and participate in national affairs, compliance with public campus norms, actively protect the environment and public safety on campus, and participate in public life and school management. The public reason of college students possess three characteristics: group, knowledge, and radiation. The social values of students’ public reason cultivation reflected in public reason is the requirement of democratic development,the development needs of modern public life and the needs of cultivating high-quality modern citizens; What’s more,individual value lies in favor of shaping college students’ perfect citizen personality, to guide students to establish a correct public morality, foster college students’ public responsibility, and strengthen public conscious participation.Analysis of survey data showed that college students thinking and rational public behavior mainstream is healthy, active and progressive, but there is a lack of public knowledge rational, cognitive bias, knowing and lack of uniform and other issues.The main factor is the traditional culture of public rational knowledge is not enough, the relative lack of public culture, public norms imperfect, inadequate education of public reason, students in the public life of self-discipline is not strong. According to the problems of public reason, from educators, school, college students to explore the idea of cultivating college students’ public reason, educators should teach positive public values, public schools should continue to broaden students’ practice carrier to improve the level and ability of public participation, and students themselves should also be actively involved in public life to raise public awareness, maintain the public interest, fulfill public responsibility and pursuit the common good.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, public reason, cultivate
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