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Development And Practices Of School-based Curriculum About Dragon Culture

Posted on:2016-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330482965956Subject:Education management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
School-based curriculum development is an important content of new curriculum reform in our country. It plays an irreplaceable role in the construction of school’s characteristics, the professional development of teachers and the individual growth of students. No other course can weigh against it.Culture of China, is the essence of traditional culture, which has profound connotation and far-reaching conceptions. Actually based on the current development of the new curriculum, the writer combined that with the resources and the school will take the culture of China into school-based curriculum horizon. Through culture of school-based curriculum development and implementation, we can cultivate the students’ interests, enrich the students’ practice, improve the students’ ideological cultivation, cultural quality, artistic taste, and physical quality and increase the student’s emotion. Besides, it can raise their senses of loving the motherland. Through cultural inheritance, it can promote the improvement of students’ comprehensive quality and the development of individual personality. This paper systematically introduces the material developers in the implementation of cultural school-based curriculum development and some preliminary exploration. The full text first outlined the current background on the development of school-based curriculum, including the author’s research purpose, research methods and research results. Then it discussed some questions about cultural school-based curriculum development and implementation, which includes: the value of development and the intellectual, emotional and developmental goals of development; the content of teaching and the writing examples; implementation of the teaching principles, the teaching design, the basic teaching method and the strategy of teaching evaluation. At last, the writer talked about what she achieved and what she wished according to the educational teaching practice in its development and implementation of school-based curriculum. Although cultural school-based curriculum development is still in the exploratory stage, as long as we strengthen maneuverability of theory and practice research, cultural school-based curriculum development work will be on a brand new step.
Keywords/Search Tags:dragon culture, school-based curriculum, development, practice
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