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The Status And Role Of Verses Teaching In Modern Language Teaching

Posted on:2016-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B LanFull Text:PDF
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"verses," as Modern Chinese Dictionary interpreted, are a group of rhyming or unrhymed neat sentences compiled with main points of things, for mnemonic purpose. Verses teaching, which is applying verses in our daily teaching practice, is a method to arouse interests of students and to improve their study efficiency. Verses teaching is an ancient teaching method and had been applied extensively in the ancient times. Nowadays, in the context of extensive curriculum reform, verses teaching has been shelved and disappeared in daily teaching. This article is aim to explore the status and role of verses teaching in modern language teaching. The full text consists of four sections.First, the pattern of verses compiling. This section discusses the form and content of verses respectively. The characteristic of verses form consists of concise and plain words, neat sentences, and phonological harmony. The content of verses are often terse but comprehensive, and has vivid images or profound artistic conception.Second, the aesthetic value of the verses. This section summarizes the rhythmic beauty and parallelism value of the verses based on the material of ancient and modern classic verses.Third, the respective status of verses in ancient and modern language education. In this part we compared the position of the verse teaching in ancient and modern language teaching, concluded that verses teaching method has been shelved in modern language teaching. Then we analyzed the reason why verses teaching method was disregard in the modern language pedagogy from three aspects as follow:the pedagogy reform divorced from reality,the rise and popularity of multimedia teaching methods,the habitual disregard of traditional culture.Fourth, the status and role of verses teaching in modern language teaching. The section elaborated the important role verses teaching played in the daily teaching activities based on my actual teaching experience. It can enhance the study efficiency and learning interest of the students, and also can promote generalization capabilities. Finally, we propose a viewpoint that verses teaching should return to the classroom in our daily class education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Verses teaching, Modern language teaching, Innovative Languag
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