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Private University Teachers’ Salary System Research Universities

Posted on:2015-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330431992590Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, the development of private universities has made considerable progress,private education has become an important part of higher education. But look at theoverall level of private universities is good and bad. Because the development of privateuniversities very short time, mostly very weak foundation, coupled with the nationalpolicy on private higher education support time later, not much policy. Road ofdevelopment of private universities is very hard, its future development will be affectedby many external and internal factors, the great difficulty of development and face muchuncertainty is unpredictable. However, teachers of private universities also significantlyinfluenced the development of private universities. Throughout the characteristics ofuniversity teachers, we find: high barriers to entry, pre-human capital investment, jobcomplexity and difficult to quantify, and the pursuit of high personal expectations ofhigher demand factors determine the level, in order to attract and retain talented teachersremuneration system and pay levels is critical.In this thesis, the most select universities in Zhengzhou City A study byinvestigating the school pay system, a comprehensive display of the remunerationsystem of the school, the use of theory, methods, examples of research and comparativestudies, the survey reveals that the remuneration system deficiencies and problems,combined with relevant data and analysis tools such as charts, gives some suggestionsand think Zhengzhou City a university salary system improvements. The main contentsof this thesis writing as follows: First, the use of typical compensation theory andincentive theory of writing this paper theoretical guidance, followed by the status ofimplementation of the case in Zhengzhou City A university salary surveys show,combining teacher pay satisfaction questionnaire the results of the analysis, pointing outthe problem and the reasons for the existence of the survey pay system, and then,standing theoretical point of view the survey pay system built to explore the answersfrom teachers in private colleges and private colleges and universities of their owncharacteristics, the principles incentive to start, finally, to the suggestions and thinkingout of the survey pay system improvements. In this paper, by presenting and analyzing the desired case, starting from thecase to reveal the current salaries of teachers of private universities big problems,Seeing is innovation of this thesis. This study can be expected to provide some of theplaces worth learning to improve the pay system of private colleges and universities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Private Colleges, teacher, Universities pay system
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