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The Development Of School Belonging In The Application Research Of Educational Administration

Posted on:2015-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W RenFull Text:PDF
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Recently, people believe that the sense of school belonging is good for students to adjust themselves to the new conditions, improve their educational achievements and encourage their good attitudes. Due to the lack of theoretical basis and practical experience, I will learn from some teachers in different grades and the other teachers of different subjects.The major aspect of my paper is how to build a good growing environment and increase of efficiency of education and management program in the Orphan school of Jilin Province. From now on, I will talk with203students in the junior department about the effects in the sense of school belonging. And I will naturally explore and summarize the effects from this process.Conclusion:According to the teaching mode, the campus culture, the relationship between students and teachers and teenage peer relations suggest that the students in junior department in our school have a good sense of school belonging.In my essay, I will divide it into five parts. Firstly, I will discuss about the concept and the meaning of the sense of school belonging and the situation at home and abroad. Next, I will talk about the theory foundation of the sense of school belonging in the orphan school. Then, I will investigate the practical results about the sense of school belonging in our school. Fourthly,I will analysis and discuss the sense of school belonging influence on education management of junior school students. Finally, I will naturally explore and summarize the efficient methods.Based on the specialty of my work and my working experience, my essay is engaged in helping them to find a positive methods in the sense of school belonging.
Keywords/Search Tags:Orphan School, the sense of school belonging, application
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