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Government Dimension Of Social Governance: Current Situation, Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2017-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330503479669Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In November 2013, the Third Plenary Session of the party’s eighteen Central Committee, standing at the height of the national governance, social management update for social governance, and clearly the “innovative social governance system” as an important part of comprehensive deepening reform, and to promote national governance system and governance capacity modernization to deepen reform of the overall goal, which is China’s first national governance system and governance capacity modernization. This formulation shows that there are many problems in the field of social governance in our country, the urgent need for the transformation of the system, but also demonstrates the government’s determination to transform social governance. Thus promoting the construction of social governance innovation has great theoretical and practical significance.This paper analyzes and discusses the current situation and existing problems of the government in the social management and innovation, and puts forward some suggestions on the reform of social management system.In detail, this article mainly from the following five parts of research and discussion.The first part: introduction. Mainly on the topics of this article, the significance of the literature review, innovation, and so on a systematic interpretation. Through a large collection of relevant information, I have studied the problems of different subjects, so as to make the research progress at home and abroad.The second part: the connotation of social governance and the government dimension of social governance. Mainly from the connotation and structure of social governance, the relevant concepts, operating subject and specific content of social governance are discussed. On this basis, this paper discusses the differences between government and market in the exercise of social governance, the government’s social governance dimension is divided into four levels of policy, public service, social support and public participation. In the end, the paper discusses the functions of government in social governance.The third part: the current situation of our country’s government social governance. Access to multi information. This paper summarized the main achievements achieved in the current our country government social governance, such as administrative democracy gradually replace the administrative efficiency, service standard gradually replace the control standard, state and society governance gradually replace single country governance, decentralization and gradually replace the central concentration of power, the government under the rule of law gradually replaced government by man.The fourth part: the problems and causes of the current government social governance. This paper summarizes the main reasons of the lack of social governance in our country, from the historical point of view, mainly due to the inertia of the traditional national system, social governance concepts behind the cause of. From a practical point of view, the government, market and society division of functions is not yet clear, rulemaking is not perfect, failed to on the advanced experience of social governance were introduce and promotion is the main reason.The fifth part: the Countermeasures of the government to fulfill the functions of social governance. This part is the emphasis and difficulty of the whole text, which is also the embodiment of the value of this study. Through the investigation and analysis of the government’s social governance issues, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to solve the government’s social governance. Mainly from the Party committee and government, the government and the market, social relations, the overall planning of social governance, improve social governance mechanism, accelerate the transformation of government functions, and constantly optimize the government organizations and decentralization, social organizations, autonomous organizations, social governance and service capabilities, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government, Social Governance, Function Transformation
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