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On Style Construction Of The Party Leadership Since Opening Up And Reform

Posted on:2016-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330461993535Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese Communist Party always put the style construction in a very important position. In the face of a new historical stage, Reform and Opening up, our party is facing a situation and a test that are different from the past, it is a wise choice to put the style construction of all the building in the first place. Deng Xiaoping opened up a new realm of party style construction. He asked to restore the fine tradition and style of the previous party; the most important part of style construction in the new era is to strengthen the leaders’ style construction of the party. Jiang Zemin guided leaders’ style building of the party with the important thought of Three Represents, raised the key issue is to keep a close relation of the party and the people, strengthening leaders’ construction of the party should insist on the Five Atmosphere Construction; clear the main task of Eight Sticks, Eight Oppositions. Since the Sixteenth Congress, Hu Jintao pointed out to use the Scientific Development Concept to guide the party’s leading cadres. He advocated four Prospers and Eight Areas of Good Atmosphere, stressed the need to strengthen the building of cultural construction, style construction practice check the evaluation system and a series of new ideas; the Eighteenth Report stressed the need to carry out the party. The party’s mass line educational practice used For the People; Pragmatic, Uncorrupted as the main content. With Looking in the Mirror, Dress up, Take a shower, Cure illnesses for the general requirements, For the people, Pragmatic, Uncorrupted for the content, the purpose is to solve the leading organs, bodies and cadres of the Four Atmosphere problems. This decision aimed at the right direction, strangled the key and grabbed the key.By organizing the party’s leaders’ style building since the reform and opening up of ancient Chinese leaders, A conclusion can be drawn, the latter from the former inherited and developed the theory and practice; continuously enrich the content; from an emphasis on education to focus on punishing, from an emphasis on prevention to true realistically dry; primarily from movement to focus on institution building, to build a comprehensive system of punishment and prevention, to thoroughly scan the type of solid work; from the Emergency Singles to Overall Progress. In short, several generations of Chinese Party leaders thought leadership cadres style construction is the same strain, complementary and positive interaction Times. It is of great significance to research leading party cadres’style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reform and Opening Up, The party’s leading cadres, Style building
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