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Research On The Variant Characters In Symmetry Inscriptions

Posted on:2017-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330503483866Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The symmetry inscription is a special form in the oracle and bone inscriptions. Scholars who research it mainly concentrated on the field of grammar and pragmatics, while the research on its characters is relatively less, which also has not been systematical. We have collected the symmetry inscriptions in seven books on oracle and bone inscriptions. By collating the alien phenomena on characters, we aim to fully grasp the phenomenon of characters use and to explore oracle and bone inscriptions form system in the characteristics and laws in the process of syn-chronic graph.Our research mainly includes the following aspects:First chapter is the introduction part. We introduce the domestic and foreign research about symmetry inscriptions. The character research remains to be further, so it is vital to begin this research. At the end of the introduction, we explain the research materials, method, ideas and style. In the second part, we discuss how to judge symmetry inscriptions, allograph and the order of the symmetry inscriptions. In the third, fourth and fifth chapter, we concretely discuss three aspects, including characters whose components are same, while places are different, characters whose stokes are different, characters whose components are different. In each chapter, we firstly list examples, then we summarize the characteristics and laws, so we can further determine whether it belongs to the allograph. In the end, we are trying to explore the reason from several aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Symmetry inscriptions, Allograph, Characteristics, Reason
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