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Research On The Patients’ Time Experience In Modern Chinese Literature

Posted on:2017-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P QiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488482746Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Disease is a special kind of life experience, especially in the experience of the passage of time. Based on a sum of works, this paper is set to the patient’s subjective experience of time which is self-consciousness of the time in Chinese modern literary texts. The author found that patients pay more attention to the past instead of seeking to the significant future performance after analysis. This article attempts from the memory point of view to study the difference between the diseases and the normal people to explore the reason why modern Chinese writers prefer recalling, retaining, grieving the past time, and the relationship between the past and patient self-construction of identity, and the development of group modernity.Firstly, analyze the presented specific differences of the patients’experience with the time passing:generally focused on the present and the past two periods, but obviously focused on memories of the past. Now is a period of time to become the past, which retains the imprint of the past. Past experiences also show differences on the content:original hometown, care of fantasy future thinking past times, the cycle time concept of determinism. Focusing on now, they afraid to be abandoned life; focus on the past, they hope that through the construction of subjective memories to make individual memory, collective memory and poetic memory play a role in salvation.Secondly, by analyzing the style forms of the works, which is the external form of the patient time experience, we found flashback is the main narrative form of diary, epistolary, autobiographical novels; all of them are Lyrical Novel, full of contradictions of fiction and truth, order and reverse order. This truth is real action in their subjective psychological experience, revealing aestheticization of daily life. The fiction is the absence of real.Thirdly, back to the depth of memory, we seek the relevance of past experience and individual self. By observing the other to re-self-reflection, the subject can not forget the early heart beyond the aesthetic distance created by the diseases.Finally, Based on the injured situation of early modern China, the disease literature preferred to back to the past time with nostalgic aesthetic tendencies. By bonding time debris, recalling things we forgotten, transferring the real space, memory plays the role of rescue groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:diseases, time experience, existence, modernity, holistic time
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