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Xiong Shili’s Thought Of Mind Revolution Analysis

Posted on:2017-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488459241Subject:Chinese philosophy
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Xiong Shili took part in Xinhai revolution when he was young. He gave up politics and stuied Chinese philosophy in his middle age. Mr Xiong studied Buddhism as the beginning. And he changed his research to Confucianism and Zhou Yi. So he become a famous philosopher of modern new Confucianism. The mind revolutionary is an inner clue, which surnamed xiong’s theory of Ti and yong, theory of Qian and Qun, theory of Nei sheng and Wai Wang. Those theories formed a set of complete and strict philosophy. Although Xiong Shili did not explicitly put forward the concept of "mind revolution", but his theory about thought revolution and the moral revolution, which is used in traditional theory of minds, especially in the context of Xin Xue. It can be named as mind revolution. He even regarded Confucius as a revolutionary, and borrowed the name of Confucius to disseminate the mind revolution.Xiong shili’s mind revolution is actually a kind of philosophy revolution against traditional Chinese way of thinking. In his view, the traditional Chinese way of thinking, lack of correct understanding of the ontology. And he thought that researching the ontology is the fundamental mission of philosophy. As a result, his thought of mind revolution establishs the moving ontology at first. Xiong Shili has been clear about that the moving ontology is based on the theory of "Ti Yong Bu Er" through critiqueing the limitation of the Buddhism and the Dao. And Mr Xiong regard Qian and Qun as the entry point to build up the Qian Yuan ontology. It would be helpful to eliminate ancients’ superstition to the emperor and re-examine the emergence and development of the universe in the view of philosophy and the spirit of science.Qian Yuan ontology as the core content of mind revolution, explains the developing and changing principle of the universe. It combines the ideas of "Tian Ren He Yi" and Qian Yuan ontology to explain the relationship between human’s nature and the universe. That would be the guide of our mind and society. The pracitice of mind revolution is made up with the theory of Nei Sheng and the theory of Wai Wang. One helps us to complete our moral, the other helps us to develop our society. There are the intrinsic uniformity between of them. If human can prove the nature in the mind, we could remove selfish desire and we could realize the social ideal of "Tian Xia Wei Gong".Xiong Shili’s thought of mind revolution, not only is an important clues of his philosophy system, but also affect the development of modern new Confucian especially Mou Zongsan. Mr Mou created his own theory about Xin Ti and Xing Ti by the influence of Xiong’s theory of mind revolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiong Shili, mind revolution, Qian Qun Yan
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