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The Historical View Of Fan Zuyu From "Tang Jian"

Posted on:2017-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482985936Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the early Northern Song dynasty built the implementation of sandwiches, revival of Confucianism, scholars have changed the previous study of Confucian classics, attention to exegetical habits and began to explore the meaning in the Confucian classics theory, the Confucian moral theory change led to the history of the righteous and rational. Since the mid Song Dynasty social contradictions emerge, the national consciousness of historians aroused domestic trouble and foreign invasion. Fan Zuyu is in such an environment, as Sima Guang’s assistant Yu Shen Zong Zhaoxi harvest between with Sima Guang in Luoyang editing Zizhi Tongjian. During Tang history sense and the mirror of Tang Dynasty."Tang Jian" is the representative works of the early history of the science of history, whether it is the form or content unique, valued by scholars of the past dynasties. As the carrier of fan Zuyu historiography thought of important historical works, the through the book to explore fan Zuyu history view, with a view to a more comprehensive and clear understanding of the fan Zuyu conception of history and historiography achievement, and more in-depth understanding of the history of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty history. This essay is divided into three parts. In the first part of the introduction describes the fan Zuyu writing "Tang Chien" taking history as a mirror and compiling, compiling principles.In the second part, Fan Zuyu’s historical view is analyzed. The first is the concept of heaven fan Zuyu, from the view of the destiny of the divine right of kings, heavy people loving personnel view, pay attention to the etiquette ethics view three level analysis of fan Zuyu understanding to the relationship between man and nature. The second is fan Zuyu ancient and modern view, will from the ancestral conservative, even, this ancient metaphor to check to explore fan Zu Yu of ancient and modern views. The third was a fan Zuyu monarch outlook, mainly from the king of king view, as far as the post Chen Chen view, monarchs and harmonious governance view, to sum up the fan Zuyu understanding for the relationship between the monarch and his subjects. Fourth is fan Zuyu national view, strictly in the defense of Yi and Xia Yi Xia concept, the world is one unified view, governs Anwai ethnic management concept to analysis how the fan Zuyu about the ethnic relations.The third part is fan Zuyu and Sima Guang history view of similarities and differences, fan Zuyu and Sima Guang in the concept of heaven and man, ancient and modern view, view of the monarch and his subjects, national view, view both historical differences, better explore fan Zuyu conception of history, also through the comparison to more deeply the clear understanding of the fan Zuyu historical view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fan Zuyu, Tang Jian, View of history
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