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Historian Consciousness And Proposal Making

Posted on:2018-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515971374Subject:History of Chinese History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Song Gaozong think read" Tang Jian ",know Fan Zu Yu Taiwan remonstrance means." This one on the single "Tang Jian" a book,It will be reflected in the book of academic interest and the author's political experience linked to study,to understand and analyze the "Tang Jian" embodied in the historical characteristics of useful revelation,after all,an important observation perspective.To this end,this article attempts to understand the political experience of Fan Zuyu,as well as the "Tang Jian" in the Tang Dynasty history of the history of the history of the historical analysis of the situation,that Fan Zuyu "Taiwan remonstrance means" and historian knowledge Between the inner links,in particular the remonstrance of the prisoners of duty and means of projection in its history.And then to a certain extent,understand and grasp the "Tang Jian" embodied in the characteristics of history,and explore the formation of this historical characteristics of the main reasons.This article is discussed from four major aspects.In the first part,we read and analyze the categories and nature of the historical facts of the Tang Dynasty which are of concern to the Tang Dynasty.It mainly includes several aspects such as the relationship between the monarch and the monarch,the cultivation of the virtues,the relationship between the Yixian and the customs.These aspects not only reflect the historical facts of the Tang Dynasty,but also against the background of the Northern Song Dynasty and the major issues,revealed that Fan Zuyu Tang Dynasty study of the meaning of the reality,to apply the current purpose.The second part analyzes the history of Tang Kam,especially its emphasis on monarchy morality,emphasizing the value of ethics and moral standards,and correcting the historical thoughts of the rise and fall of the dynasty.Which is the foundation of the "holy" to open the "outside king" science,but also for the history of the ancestors of the "Spring and Autumn" learning "change" and "re-starting" the purpose of repeated tribute.The third part,focusing on the "Taiwan remonstrance" functional "into the people",to the rationale of the people of the law of irony good remonstrance method,analysis of "Taiwan remonstrance means" in the "Tang" history of the infiltration,or " Taiwan remonstrance means " in which the specific performance,such as the original end of the method and the sense of prevention and control,the connivance of success or failure,ups and downs of the ups and downs of the mood changes,do not suspect,set hesitation,analysis of reason to understand the right and wrong to justice People thinking and so on.In the fourth part,based on the experience of Fan Zuyu's life in the history and the admonition of the government,combined with the outstanding performance of the academic culture of the times,it is revealed that Fan Zuyu's combination of Taiwan's remonstrance means and historian knowledge,The experience of the accumulation of historical activities,moral and moral philosophy-the prevalence of Neo-Confucianism,"Spring and Autumn" learning the impact of the times,Jiujing Taiwan remonstrance of the official experience.Overall,Fan Zuyu another "Tang Kam" and "Mirror" do not,but also to strengthen the value of history to apply the value of reality."Tang Jian," a book,the Taiwanese admonition became a simple and commentary on the historical framework of the Tang Dynasty history,historical knowledge has become the exercise of Taiwan remonstrance means to play a reminder of the source of knowledge,the two interact with each other.Moreover,in the connection between Taiwan's charisma,means and historical knowledge,the influence of Neo-Confucianism and the influence of the "Spring and Autumn" period provided an appropriate academic and cultural atmosphere.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fan Zuyu, Tang Jian, Monarchy, Tai Jian means, Historical characteristics
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