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The Application Of Cooperative Learning Model In Spoken Chinese Teaching

Posted on:2016-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M GanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330479982698Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the people who learn Chinese as a second language increasing in the world,the research about Chinese teaching pattern is becoming increasingly important. The traditional classroom of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is teacher-centered classroom, and do not pay attention to the students’ independent development of the personality, or pay attention to the student subjective development, neglect the interaction between the teachers and the students. In the 1970 s, the cooperative learning model raised in the United States in this context. Not only it pays attention to the student’s subjective development, but it also enhances multilateral interaction between teachers and students, students and the students, teachers and teachers,teachers and textbooks. The group cooperative learning allows students to increase their perture opening ratio within limited time, and develop their language skills.Therefore, it is suitable to use this model in the spoken.I taught Chinese in the JB School in the Indonesia. I made a research about the group cooperative learning. The study also compare experimental classes statistics and comparison classes statistics. At last, I analyzed the questionnaire, discussed the interview results and came to a conclusion that the group cooperative learning teaching helps create a relaxed atmosphere and improve their communicative skills.This paper explains the team cooperation model in spoken Chinese teaching situation from five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the research background, significance and research methods.Besides it introduces the research status on group cooperative learning in Chinese language teaching at home and abroad. The second chapter is to introduce the theory of the team cooperation model.The third chapter is to analyze specific teaching case of using the cooperative learning model in the Chinese spoken class.The fourth chapter is the evaluation part of teachers and students angles about the group cooperation model.It is mainly taken student questionnaires and students interviews, in order to analysize the shortcomings and advantages of the reaserch, and offer proposals about carrying out group cooperation model in Spoken Chinese teaching.The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the article.It mainly explains the significance of this study, as well as inadequate and prospect of this study.
Keywords/Search Tags:group work, the foreign spoken Chinese teaching, Indonesia Students
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