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A Case Study On Junior English Teachers’ Job Burnout Of Universities In Inner Mongolia Based On The Field Rules

Posted on:2016-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330479496165Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Junior English teachers, as a main force in every local university, their professionalism development has become a major concern in the development of local universities. To some extent, junior teachers’ professionalism development decides the speed and quality of the country’s popularization of higher education. However, with the advancement of local higher education reform, the job burnout has been growing to be one of the highlights of junior English teachers’ professional development in recent years.Questions arise, such as, how is local university junior English teacher burnout status like?How do they regard and evaluate their burnout status? What kind of strategies do they use for dealing with problems? What could be the possible factors to cause their burnout cognition and performance? What could be the specific burnout performance of individual junior teachers with distinctive features of ages and education levels? In order to answer the above questions, the paper conducts a case study on five junior English teachers selected from Inner Mongolian universities. A large number of first-hand data are collected through deeply interviews and filed observations. A detailed description of burnout status on the aspect of job performance in and after class will be displayed in a panoramic scan mode, which is supposed to be helpful to understand the reasons of burnout.The research explores its analysis based on Pierre·Bourdieu’s field theory, which is a dynamic approach, partly constructed to show how social phenomena evolve. The purpose of the study is to find out junior English teachers ’ burnout status, causes and solutions in the field of “Inner Mongolian local universities”. According to the field theory, university is distinguished as a meaningful field and constructs a tension between teachers and the social environments. Field rules may help with the analysis of junior English teachers’ burnout status and explore the strategy of psychological and behavioral characteristics of junior English teachers who lie in different positions of local universityfield. By describing the individual’s interpretation of relationships, this paper is to form a further insight view about cognition and explanation of junior English teachers, illustrate possible factors related to their burnout.The research provide a certain degree of significance with their healthy professionalism development. The conclusion shows that the level of job burnout of Junior English teachers in local universities in Inner Mongolia overall is relatively low with evident pressure particularly shown in emotional exhaust. The individual difference of age and education background,as the influencing factors of burnout issues, affects their practice of decision-making and application of relevant strategies. As for junior English teachers themselves, they should have a more proactive plan for career development and apply more positive strategies to deal with pressure instead of a passive acceptance of school regulations. As for school administrators, they should provide junior English teachers with a better teaching and research “field” to help them with their recognition to school education reform environment and improvement of their professionalism development.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior English teacher of Inner Mongolian universities, burnout, field rules
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