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A Report On The Translation Of Ethnicity And Race(Chapter 8 )

Posted on:2016-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chapter 8 is mainly about the influence of modernity on ethnic and racial pattern, Mixing and Multiplicity, Multiplicity in the United States, Situationality and Simplification, Boundaries and Centers, Separation and Consolidation, The Limits on Choice and Multiplicity and The Unmixing of Peoples. As people enter the modern society, increasingly, people tend to acknowledge their multiethnicity and the multiraciality.The book illustrated the two world’s most influential topics: ethnicity and race. The problem of ethnicity and race in America has appealed not only the attention of many American scholars but also of the Chinese readers.Based on Mu Lei’s Guideline on MTI translation report, I took the following steps as my translation practice: Task Description, Process Description, Case Analysis, Summery and Conclusion and so on. So I adopt communicative translation strategy to deal with the translation under the guide of Functional Equivalence Theory. After practicing, I acquire a new view about translation and understand that translation theory and practice is interdependent at a much deeper level. I sincerely hope that my experience and thinking noted in my translation practice could cast light on some translation beginners.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethnicity, Race, Translation, Practice
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