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The Ecological Ethics Of Pre-Oin Confucian And Its Contemporary Enlightenment

Posted on:2016-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y BaiFull Text:PDF
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In today’s world,the progress of science technology, and the development of the productive forces, have brought great m aterial wealth and spiritual enjoym ent for human. Also, people have to face in creasingly serious ecological crisis: the change of climate, the environmental pollution,and the shortage of resource. The environmental problems are not only underm ine the global ecosystem, and also a serious threat to human survival and developm ent. The so lution of the environm ental pollution and ecological imbalance, not only technological, legal, administrative and other m eans are needed, it also need the help of ethi cs resources. Chinese pre-Qin C onfucianism contains rich ecolog ical ethics, th ey have very im portant significance for solving today’s environmental problems, re-examine the hum an values, rebuilding the relationship between man and nature, and deal with each other in harmony.In this paper, starting from the pre-Qin Confucianism, investigate and analysis the ecological ethics which inherented in the theory of pre-Qin Confucianism, and made a preliminary exploration of its contemporary enlightenment. Firstly, expound the philosophical basis of the pre-Qin Confucius Ecological Ethics: "the way to find a livelihood" and "harm ony between m an and nature"The livelihood way shows Confucian idea of the genera tion of everything and ever ything live w ith a endless cycle, the world is both a source of life, not only the natural life, but the source of the value of the person.The fatality idea of Confucius,the nature view of Yizhuan, the temperament theory of Simeng School,from these three aspects analyzed Confucian "harmony between m an and nature" thinki ng, e mphasizing the unity of m an and nature, the consistent b etween natural reason and m oral rationality showing the Confucian dialectical thinking between the relationship of subject and object, subjective thinking and objective regularity.Secondly, the m ain contents of the pre-Qin Confucian Ecological Ethics in dept h explanation: "stand in awe of Heaven and resign to fate "love all the people and animals" is the basic idea of the pre-Qin Confucian attitude toward nature, "to performing according to the natu ral law" and "value thrift and tem perance "is the practice o f the pr inciples and norms of the pre-Qin Confucius Ecological Ethics Again, in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the pre-Qin Confucian Ecological Ethics: "harmony between man and nature" reveals the Confucian harmony between man and na ture as a whole concept;the thought of, "love all the people and anim als", showing the extension to the ecology of interpersonal moral ethics; highlights the concept of eco-ethical practice moderation in harmony with the methodological norms.Finally, with the actual situation of today’s ecological environment, explore the practic al significance of the pre-Qin Confucian Ecological Ethics: The Confuc ian ideas of The lives of living beings go on without end”support the road of sustainable de velopment for the whole comm unity to ideological reference; The ecology ethical theory of"love all the people and anim als" help people to establish a sense of respect for nature; people are born with a spiritual being, it is required that people m ust take responsibility for the nature; Confucianism emphasizes personal morality, it h elps to improve our ecological m oral qualities, improve the whole the extent of ecological civilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pre-Qin Confucian, ecological ethics, contemporary enlightenment
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