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From ShiXue To Perspective

Posted on:2016-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q W ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470478352Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is quoted from History of Ideas research based on keyword study of electronic database. With the purpose of striving to re-appe arbackground concept that the perspective was taken on in CHINA, upon the principle of sympathetic and understanding, the keyword studyuti lized to analyze theoretical structure of article is applied for Art History research. Refer to keyword inShiXue and perspective, the auth orhas discovered that according to concept structure of GuangQi Xu, Z heng Wang, XiYaoNian, Yuan Ruan and JianYin Xu etc. the scenography a dopted by those people is due to GeZHI and renamed with ShiXue Which indicates chasing to inward world and humanistic paganism for the Neo-Confucianism in SONG and MING dynasties, and they cultivated themsel ves with this idea. After the Sino-Japanese War, Chinese realized the original Confucianism’s drawbacks and completely took in western cu lture. For example, YouWei Kang restored the original image of scenog raphy. The transition process between ShiXue and scenography was clo sely associated with the inner logical structure of the Neo-Confucian ism in SONG and MING dynasties. Through this article, the author hope s people could not misinterpretation on scenography and then better c omprehend traditional painting method. Eventually, it could be an inn ovative thinking for Art History study in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shixue, Tianli, Xiushen, Jingshi
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