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The Use Of Chinese Opera Elements And Work Interpretation In Chinese Piano Works

Posted on:2016-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CaiFull Text:PDF
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Whether creations, teaching methods, or piano playing skills of piano are developed rapidly since it was introduced into China in the 19 th century. Form,content and style are also developed. Music workers is exploring how to combine Chinese traditional music with piano which comes from the west actively. Many Chinese style music of piano have produced. Most of them are created according to the ancient music, the national instrumental music, folk songs and folk dance.Chinese operas the most representative historic art form of the Chinese music culture. The piano is also the most representative and historic art form in the western music culture. To Attract the attention of music and education workers, we need to put Chinese opera and piano together.We must understand how to put them together.Not only can we effectively develop the Chinese traditional opera art, add new vitality into the traditional Chinese opera art, but also to achieve the nationalization of piano music in China, We can find a new direction of the Chinese piano music in the the process of combing the traditional Chinese opera with piano.This paper consists five parts. The first part is introduction, including the origin,perspective, and the research content of the thesis and methods; As well as a brief review of the literature. In the second part, I will tell the readers the produce of the piano music in China and the development of the contemporary Chinese piano music before and after the founding of The People’s Republic of China. In the third part, I will describe the history of Chinese opera and introduce the characteristics of Chinese opera piano music from three aspects which include the "regional", the "plate structure" and the "performance factor". Then, I will classify the piano works of Chinese opera style according to the solo, repetition, accompaniment and children’s music in the form of table. I will also analysis how to put the opera elements into the piano music to create Chinese opera piano music from the aspect of theme, plate, tone and accompaniment in detail. In the fourth part, I will make the music "the piano suite red light" adapted by YinChengZong and "Sheng Dan Jing Mo Chou" created by WangAmaoa. These examples interpretted how to performance opera elements when playing the Chinese opera piano music. The last part will analysis the value,the national psychology and aesthetic orientation of combing the traditional Chinese opera with piano. Finally, the resulting problems and thinking were put forward.Opera style of piano music appears to give the "Chinese characteristics" piano music development new breakthrough. How to better the continuation of this innovation, the composers need to dig a wider range of genres content roots and the original in hand, to show the unique charm of Chinese piano music. With the rapid rise of China’s comprehensive national strength on the world stage, Chinese culture around the world to obtain a more widespread attention and recognition, the path of Chinese piano music will also be more walk more wide, built on the international piano music side "the Chinese flag" !...
Keywords/Search Tags:The piano, The Chinese opera, Works
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