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Time Measure Complement Types Of Errors And Analysis

Posted on:2015-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330452457375Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Complement is complexity and diversity,so it is difficult to foreign totime measure complement, Time measure complement is a branch of a branch ofcomplement, students have the same difficulties to master. Mother tongue have effectedtheir studying and Chinese grammar teaching itself is not perfect.The students in theacquisition time measure complement process, constrained by the structure, quantitycomplement sentence stiff up, sound awkward. At the same time the time measurecomplement with other grammatical point combination, especially when combined with "了" and new difficulties has been increased. After learning time measure complement, butin life, they even avoid using time measure complement sentence studied. Through realcorpus collected in teaching,and language corpus of The Beijing Language and CultureUniversity, summarize the types of errors of foreign students, as well as the reason fromthe semantic, pragmatic, syntactic analysis errors. To engage in second language teachingteachers to understand the time measure complement more clearly, so that the students canuse more flexible time measure complement sentence, create more real time measurecomplement sentence.This text is composed of six parts:The first chapter introduces the background、 significance of the research.introduces the theoretical basis and the research method of this article as well as the sourcecorpus.The second chapter introduces the present situation of Mordern Chinese type ofcomplement and complement of students learning.The third chapter introduces and analysis the significance of measure complementand students learning situation, and the time measure complement issues.The fourth chapter analyzes the error types and causes of errors of the time measurecomplement.The fifth chapter analyzes from time measure complement from the pragmaticperspectiveThe six chapter contains the advices and outlook of the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Time measure complement, Analysis errors, Types, Pragmaticperspective
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