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The Theoretical Achievement Of Shi Xue Yao Lun By Li Da Zhao

Posted on:2015-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330452456521Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Dazhao was the first person to conduct historical research with materialism, andhe wrote his pioneer work Shi Xue Yao Lun for Marxist historical theory in1920s. Thepublishing of Shi Xue Yao Lun leaded to a new way for the development of “ChineseMarxism New History”in the20th century, which strongly promoted Chinese HistoryModernization. This paper takes Shi Xue Yao Lun as the main object of study, goes deeplyto the specific content of Marxist materialism and historical theory and discusses theacademic achievement and impact in Shi Xue Yao Lun.Shi Xue Yao Lun has a rounded system and deep content, which contains the mostfundamental and most basic question of historical ontology and epistemology; Shi XueYao Lun was produced in the process of the social revolutionary situation in the early20thcentury. Yet Li Dazhao’s personal progressive and intellectual quality was also the mainpoints on Shi Xue Yao Lun’s writing. So there’s distinct characteristics of the times, thereality features and revolutionary features on Li’s theoretical ideas. When interpreting themost basic theory, Li Dazhao layed stress on view of History, scientificity of History,theory building of History. The publication of Shi Xue Yao Lun in1924criticized thetraditional history, spread the Marxist materialism, was the pioneer work for ChineseMarxist history and the foundation work for historical materialism, the first Marxisthistorians theoretical writings, as well as the transformation of Chinese modern society, ithad also triggered a boom on the research of Chinese historical theory since Li Dazhao’sShi Xue Yao Lun was published in the mid-20th century.Ideas for research are as follows:First, briefly introduce the purpose and significance of this issues, conclude therelated research findings of Li Dazhao’s ideological and historical overview. Describe andinterpret the significance of the topic, the main innovation and ideas for the research. Secondly, introduce Li Dazhao’s life and the background of Shu Xun Yao Lun’saccomplishing, which includes the external and internal factors. Ever-changinginternational and domestic political environment, the surging of reform and revolution, thebirth of scientific socialism, the victory of the October Revolution in Russia, as well as LiDazhao’s broad historical perspective and strong national sense of responsibilityconstitute the background of Shu Xun Yao Lun.Thirdly, discuss the major historical theory content of Li Dazhao and his Shi Xue YaoLun. Make a rational analysis to the historically theoretical ideas of the historical ontologyand epistemology on Shi Xue Yao Lun. This work clears the difference between"record"and"history","real facts"and"historical facts","chronicles history"and"historicaltheory","theory of History"and"Law of historical Research","History"and"philosophy","History of Philosophy"and"historical science", and confirms the History of science,defines the content and the nature of history, distinguishes the task and value of history,illustrates the relationship between the History and Philosophy of History in historicalresearch, emphasizes the important task of historical theory and systems of History andHistory of science, and clarifies the basic theoretical issues of modern Chinese History.Fourthly, discuss the academic status and influence of Li Dazhao and his Shi Xue YaoLun. Based on the previous evaluation on academic status and academic impact of LiDazhao and his Shi Xue Yao Lun to analyze the significance of Chinese History’sdevelopment from the viewpoints of the critique to traditional history, the promotion to thedevelopment of Chinese History, the contribution to Chinese New History in20th century,the spread and reference and research of Marxist historical materialism in China.Finally, describe the development of Chinese New History and the research on LiDazhao Shi Xue Yao Lun.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Dazhao, Shi Xue Yao Lun, historical theory, New History
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