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The Application Study Of Visual Symbols’ Presentation In Green Theme Coffee

Posted on:2016-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W MuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
AThe first impression of a theme café is its visual expression, in the matter of interface organization, space handling, light and shadow, color and material. The design of all these factors represents different styles because of different application. This thesis, starting from this point, designs the visual symbol of Goren Theme Café and puts forward the concept of technology integration.Starting from the first concept of theme café and the meaning of studying it, this thesis first introduces the background and analyzes ways of research, the purpose and the meaning. Furthermore, the thesis illustrates the concept of visual symbol and its development and value in theme café. Through the study of many visual design cases among theme cafes, we analyze the way of representation of visual symbols in theme cafes in detail. The characteristics of these symbols are classified by technics and different representation of these symbols in words, pictures, colors and decoration. Lastly, the thesis talks about the application of visual symbols in theme cafes, analyzes the relation between the application of visual symbols and the styles of theme cafes along with actual cases, and demonstrates the logo design of Goren Theme Café and its application. In the appendix is the detailed VI brochure that I designed for Goren Theme Café.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theme cafes, Visual symbols, Way of representation
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