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A Study On Some Adverbs Of Linfen (Yaoduqu) Dialect

Posted on:2016-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470453375Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is based on the surveys and research on the localdialect adverbs conducted in YaoDu district of Linfen city, whichlies in PingYang dialect speaking area (Ping Yang dialect is abranch of Feng He River dialect, while the latter is a branch ofCentral Plains Mandarin). Through the combination of fieldinvestigation and the predecessors’ research data, following theprinciples of combining grammatical forms, grammatical meanings,and pragmatic characteristics, adopting the methods of description,analysis, comparison, and selecting Lin Fen dialect adverbs withdistinctive features as the detailed research and studysubject(including degree adverbs, scope adverbs, time adverbs,modal adverbs, manner adverbs), this paper demonstrates thesimilarities and differences between the Yao Du district dialectadverbs and mandarin Chinese adverbs and reveals their disciplinesin syntactic functions and pragmatic characteristics.This paper constitutes seven chapters in total,The first chapter briefly introduces Lin Fen dialect and itsresearch situation, attribution and classification of adverbs inadverbs study. With regards to the purpose and significance of theresearch, research methods, theoretical foundation, language source, and styles, this paper makes brief illustrations.The second chapter demonstrates the degree adverbs in Lin Fendialect. According to the presence of comparison, the degreeadverbs in Lin Fen dialect can be divided into two categories,relative degree adverbs and absolute adverbs of degree. This paperemphasizes on the illustration of six words “可1,稀,焦,崭,老1,尽”.The third chapter discusses the scope adverbs in Lin Fen dialect.According to the sizes and categories of the general scope, Lin Fendialect scope adverbs can be divided into blanket range adverbs,restricted scope adverbs, and uniqueness scope adverbs. Thispaper has chosen "满共" and "共满","一搭里" and "一疙瘩", and “把外”as the significant research subjects.The fourth chapter discusses manner adverbs in Lin Fen dialect.The manner adverbs in Lin fen dialect are divided into twocategories, respectively symbolizing manner and status. Detaileddescription of “贸”“专门儿”“猛猛”“款款儿” is made.The fifth chapter discusses the modal adverbs in LinFen dialect.According to the function of the modal adverbs in the aspect ofideography, LinFen dialect modal adverbs are divided into fivecategories, respectively symbolizing affirmation, aspiration,speculation, presumably, emotion, and evaluation. Detaileddescription two antisense opposite compound words are made,such as "高低","贵贱","未强", and "险乎儿”.The sixth chapter discusses time adverbs in Lin Fen dialect. Thetime adverbs in Lin Fen dialect can be divided into three categories,respectively symbolizing the time, sequence, and frequency. Thispart focuses on "将" and "说话" in LinFen dialect. The last chapter of epilogue is the basic conclusion of the paper.Given the limited time, energy, and ability of the author, this articlemainly analyzed and described objectively one portion of theadverbs, profound comparative study remains to be furtheradvanced.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lin Fen Dialect, Adverbs, Comparative study
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