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Discussion On Fromm’s Theory Of Human Nature

Posted on:2015-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467967985Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the representative of western theories of human nature, Erich Fromm has been alwaysconcerned about the living condition of those people in the20thcentury, which is also hismain research subject. He has also found that many people are living in an isolatedenvironment that has been alienated by the modern economy and also oppressed by theoverwhelming power institution and ideology, leading to a distorted human nature and mentalbreakdown. The essence of Fromm’s theory of human nature is to illustrate the livingdilemma facing many people as well as find a path leading to the redemption. What is more,Fromm has also criticized the distorted human nature and society in the middle of capitalismso as to make them aware of their loneliness, fear and desperation as well as the loss of theself in such a living environment. By combining the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freudwith theessential theory of human nature in Marxism, Fromm has also managed to propose hisown idea and even sought to carry out a variety of reforms so as to correct the distortedhuman nature, establish a complete society and achieve the status of natural self free frommental illness.This paper has aimed to analyze and illustrate the theory of human nature proposed byFromm in a systematic manner. The key words of the paper include the human nature,alienation, freedom and completeness. The first chapter will focus on the background,meaning and current situation of research upon human nature both at home and abroad. Thesecond chapter has pointed out that the idea of Fromm is based on the theories of humannature by Freud and Marx. The third chapter is concerned with the theory of Fromm about thedistorted human as well as the complete alienation of people and institution in the capitalism.The forth chapter concerns itself with the reform in the field of politics and economyproposed by Fromm so as to achieve the goal of establishing a complete society. The fifthchapter is an overall evaluation on Fromm’s theory of human nature, including its limitationand reference value to the modern society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human nature, Alienation, Freedom, Complete society
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