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The Study Of Marx’s Cultural Critical Theory

Posted on:2016-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467472788Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Culture" is very important in the field of Marxism. It has been a half century since Marxism developed it’s cultural theory. Basically, as the Frankfurt School has argued, the goal of Marxist cultural theory is critical social theory. Since20th Century many cultural studies scholars have focused on the study of Marxist cultural critical theory, such as the Frankfurt school and British Bermingham Center for Cultural Studies. They analyzed the relationship between cultural forms and cultural development, social history, to understand the impact of cultural forms of public and social life. Therefore, it’s of great significance to analyzing the development and evolution of Marxist cultural theory and clarifying of cultural critical theory in the form of performance in each period.This paper seeks to explore the method of Marx’s cultural critical theory through the analysis of the text from the classic text of Marx. This paper tries to from the whole, history, system point of view to study the internal logic of Marx’s cultural theory and rich connotation. This article systematically discusses the historical formation, the main content of Marx’s cultural criticism. Firstly, by analyzing the text, put forward two major tasks of Marxist cultural criticism, namely criticism of the practice life and criticism of living life. Marx’s criticism of the practice life is criticism of the alienation of labor, the critique of socialism or communism movement. His criticism of theory of life is criticism of religion, philosophy, ideology and Political Economics. Secondly, this article is divided into three parts for a detailed description of the history of Marxist cultural theory. After that, the article analyzes the five forms of Marx’s critical theory of culture, which is the form of critique of religion, the form of critique of philosophy of right, the form of critique of political economy, the form of critique of ideology and the form of critique of history. Finally, the paper discusses relationship between Marx’s theory of cultural criticism of Chinese culture transformation.The theoretical meaning of this thesis lies in analyzing the development and evolution of the Marx’s cultural critical theory on the whole, finding out it’s internal logic and innovations, clarifying the concept of beginning, development and trend. Marx’s cultural critical thoughts contain rich content, which face the social reality problems and challenge all unreasonable idea. Marx’s cultural critical thoughts through cultural problems to see the nature of things, that is not only scientific, but also full of revolutionary. In modern society, the history of the world has been formed, Marx’s cultural critical theory still has an important significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture, Cultural Criticism, Marx’s cultural critical theory
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