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Study Of Poetry In The Qing Dynasty In Southern Anhui

Posted on:2015-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467456234Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly studies the poetry in the south of Anhui Province, exploringthe common aesthetic requirements formation in southern Anhui culture and poetrystyle, and then explore the impact of the Anhui southern culture on the poetry in thesouth of Anhui province.This thesis consists of an introduction and four chapters.The introduction part mainly explains the theoretical significance of the topic,analysis the particularity as the end of the feudal dynasties. The overall analysis of thepeople of Qing Dynasty on the regional cultural identity and cultural psychology inthe south of Anhui Province, previous research on Qing Dynasty in the poetry, and theresearch trend and research space analysis.The first chapter of the Qing Dynasty in the social first overall, performance insocial life history through literature review, research the social, economic, culturaland other aspects of the south in general, paving the way for the analysis of thebackground of poetry; poetry in the Qing Dynasty and the number of cases followedby combing South of Anhui poems of.The second chapter comb in the qing dynasty the development of poetry in thesouth of anhui. Poetry in southern anhui province can be divided into jiaqing, theharmony, the qing, in three periods. Shun harmony period is repair interrupted bypoetry tradition and build new poetic discourse period; Period of the qing poetry inthe south of anhui is relatively active, various schools of thought contend poetry stylein this period; Is the qing dynasty jiaqing in period of poetry in the south of anhuiterminal decline, the poetry in the south of anhui is gradually decline and demise.The third chapter summarizes the subject content of poetry, in southern anhuiprovince in the qing dynasty according to the characteristics of works can be dividedinto materials of poetry in the south of anhui, to praise the scenery in the south ofanhui, humanities and other subjects and concrete analysis in the south of anhui.The fourth chapter analyzes the artistic characteristics of poetry in the south ofAnhui Province, with different poets style as the main body, the relationship betweenthe formation of different style and the culture of the.The representative poet of different part of the selection is not in southern Anhui,to study their pen scenery of Southern Anhui customs, local customs and practices ofthe impact on them, to make a supplement to the study of poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qing Dynasty, Anhui, poetry
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