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A Report On The Translation Of The Stream Of Time (Excerpt)

Posted on:2016-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, Hui literature in Ningxia develops vigorously. Meanwhile, a series of important international conferences such as China-Arab Stats Expo held in Ningxia provides a platform for the go-global of the Hui literature. Under such cultural contexts, the translating of Hui literature will play a vital role. Therefore, the novellas The Stream of Time, which expresses the superiority of Hui culture and the values of Hui people with natural and plain words, is translated by our translation team as a project.Based on the translation of the novellas, the report studies the translation of the words with Hui cultural characteristics under the guidance of Skopos theory. Firstly, the report mainly talks about the translation project and the translation process. Then, the report studies the translation of the words with Hui cultural characteristics with specific and representative examples based on Skopos theory. Finally, the report concludes the lessons and points out the deficiency from the practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation practice report, Skopos theory, The Stream of Time, words with Hui cultural characteristics
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